Monday, November 15, 2010

Car Convo

: Dad, How did you name me?
Dad: Well, I just thought Daisy sounded nice.
Since it's a flower and all.
Me: I know, but how did you know Daisy's a flower?
Dad: D...I...A...S...
Me: D-A-I-S-Y...
Dad: Yeah, D...A...S...I...Y
Me: D-A-I-S-Y! haha
Dad: Yeah, Daisy sounded nice. And it ended with the same sound as your brother, A...N... (struggling because he forgot how to spell it)
Me: ...D-Y! A-N-D-Y!
Dad: Yeah, A-N-D-Y!
Me: You didn't answer my question about how you named me!
Dad: I looked it up the dictionary. Why, you don't like it?
Me: Nah, I love it! :)