Friday, December 24, 2010


This Pre-Christmas, I didn't meet up with too many people... which is kind of a good thing. Cus I decided to hand-make my cards and they took forevahhhh! First five for the Ex-Techies. :)

Used strings, beads, fabric, cotton
Most importantly: glue.

In front of Penelope.
With Dahae, Evelyn, Jeffrey, Christina & Alex.

Next day was baking day at Janet's. We made gingerbread and sugar cookies. Took forever to make. Sabrina and Amy didn't get to make it with us... but that's because they were waiting for my gift... the best gift I ever received for Christmas! I can't thank them enough! And it's time for me to replace the antique with the new camera! :D

Antique. (Taken with new camera)
Do you see the thickness of this thing?

New camera! (Taken with antique)
Thanks again and again guysss! <3

First time at Chili's.
With Ray, Sabs, Amy, Evelyn & Janet.

We hit up Susan's after dinner at Chili's and Amy and Sabs just couldn't stop staring at Susan's brother's junk. LOL

I hope Christmas Day would be as fun with my family as it was with my friends! :)

1 comment:

  1. i cant believe i got a house!
    A freaking house!
    jpjp it was cute :p

    make some porno with your new cam.
