Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Apple Picking & Mini Donkeys!

Yes, Fall is definitely here. I feeeel it. My colleague invited me to go apple-picking with some of her friends, and I thought, WHY NOT? Although it rained on Saturday morning, as my colleague promised, it stopped when we got to Stone Ridge Orchard. Not only were there apples on the trees, but they were all over the floor. It makes me feel kind of sad and wasteful, knowing that people will not be picking the apples that are on the floor. It was still a nice experience, nonetheless.

The best part of this trip though, was not the apples. It was the mini-donkeys! Yes, they're real, and tinier, and cute. There's this guy named Steve, whose daughter went to college and told him that she joined the donkey club. He laughed at her, thinking what a silly club. He ended up researching about it, and 3 years ago, he started his mini collection. And now he has 7 whole mini-donkeys. What a story! Only people in the suburbs can do such a thing. And guess what. These things cost around $375 (MUCH LESS THAN A PUPPY/DOG!) Of course, there's a reason why dogs cost so much, because they're cute and wonderful creatures. Anyway, the names of the donkeys were Sweetie Pie, Flinch (Sweetie Pie's son), Romper, Stomper, Indiana, Dakota (Dakota's daughter... she was like extra-mini donkey), and Flame.

My favorite was Romper because he was a beauty. Steve said he's a little overweight actually, but it was because he was raised with horses who ate different things and thus he had a luxurious life and became fat. Now, he's just back here sharing a stack of boring hay with 6 other donkeys. Honestly, they were so darn cute and soft, and fun to pet, but they were so into the hay (for the whole time we stayed), they just got boring. Romper did come out of the hay stack once in a while (maybe because he was thinking about his past life with better food), but who knows. I liked that he knew how to remove himself sometimes. Romper's a different one. I felt it the moment I saw him.

Anyway... I'll just jump to a few of the pics I took. Enjoy!

 This was an apple I left behind because the other side was ugly.

 AH-MAY-ZING VIEW. And yes, I took this pic!

 I've considered sending this shot to an advertising agency. LOL

 Romper!! <3 font="">

 Misty cheesing all day after seeing these mini donkeys

Our failed attempt to take a selfie with Romper.

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