Friday, June 17, 2011


Oh, I know Summer kinda started since June... I'm not exactly sure. But I haven't really gone out in a while. I want to go out, but I have to settle the shiz at home. After a long, persisting argument with my mother yesterday, she finally allowed me to go out today!

What do I love about Summer? Not so much the weather... but I sure love picnics! Especially at the wonderful, green-filled grass parks. Today was our Bibimbap Picnic Day! :D I was VERY excited. Everyone was supposed to bring a certain thing to include to the bibimbap and I chose to bring the meat. I brought chicken bits! I was supposedly bringing ground beef, but due to the lack of beef at home, I used chicken breasts. It was BYOR (Bring Your Own Rice) but we bought most of the rice and ingredients at Woorijip. Anyway, it was a big success and bibimbap was DEEELICIOUS. But we brought too much to finish. Had to loosen my belt yo. A belt I didn't have. Hahaha.

Digging in at our first bibimbap picnic! :9 SUCCESS.
Ingredients: Rice, long-stemmed mushrooms (made by Evelyn),
cucumbers, radish strips, eggs (fried by Grace), spinach,
my homemade chicken bits and last but not least, pepperpaste&sesame oil! :D

There were Evelyn and Grace, who were as wild as always. Jeffrey and his gallon of water, spilling it all over Sooin (Ms. DramaQueen). Dahae just trying to be a good mother. And Christina just being Christina. (Sorry I'm not sure how she behaves normally) LOL. It was a great day despite the fact that we had to watch Evelyn change out of her dress in public and get shot and threatened by her watergun all day!

Sighhhh. I wish everyday was as care-free and warm as today!