Sunday, March 20, 2011


Friendship is such a difficult topic, as much as relationship is. But, I wouldn't know because I've never been in one. LOL.

Anywho. I've made a post last year about how friends come and go. And I've came to realize this whole thing again. Like it's good that you're having a buncha new friends, or like reuniting with your old friends, but what about the friends that you have hung out with temporarily? Do you just throw them away for your new friends/old friends? Cus that's what I feel like I did. Like she's there, but instead of like back then, we just do small talks. Like "Hey! I like yo shoes!" "Bye, seeya tomorrow!" I don't know. And of course, everyone's busy with work and such too. I wish I had more time to hang with everyone.

It's funny because I was so up for doing the topic of friendship for my social psychology class. We're supposed to make a skit or some kind of video for a topic. I was gonna end it with one of my favorite quotes in this little book I found:

"There are big ships and little ships. But the best ship of all is friendship." - Anonymous
I was hoping it would make the class say "Awwww." Even though it's super corny, but at least let them crack a smile for corniness, ya know?

However, it's quite a difficult topic. And we haven't reached that topic in class yet. So as of now, I hope we're doing cognitive dissonance. I'm still down for pung yow ship though! So holla at me if you think I should stick to this topic. Or don't holla at me. Cus I don't even know who reads this blog anymore.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

New Fam!

Busy busy.

It's only the beginning of 2011, and a lot of bad stuff are happening. My co-interns and I were talking about how it might just be the end of the world soon. It's scary. I hope Japan will recover from the carazy earthquake and tsunami quickly and stay strong!

Anywho, I'm joining into a new "family" now, and I hope I can adapt well to it! However, as I'm excited for this new family, I'm having problems with my real family. Like, my mother must be going through menopause or some shit. I'm sick of her complaining and nagging me. She gets mad at me for not drinking soup. What the heck. I ask her if she wants to eat anything when she comes home and she says "No", but she goes ahead and cooks herself some cold veggies. I would've cooked it for her, but I guess she doesn't want me to. I asked her if she's okay, and she just glares at me. Okay, mother. I'll forgive you for the moment, because dad is away for China and I'm probably ignoring you since I'm always busy with this and that.

Gah, I just sounded like a bitch. But sometimes things are just coming at me all at once that I must start venting out.

As of now, this video can cheer me up!
Here's for all my unicorn-loving friends! :)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sick & Lacking Sleep

This month has just begun and I'm feeling all stressed out already. There's too many things for me to do and I'm coming home late a lot. I want to play, but I realized I have to focus more time on studying, internship, and doing homework, however distractions are always welcoming themselves! D:

On top of having loads of shit to do, I've caught myself a cold... or idk what it is. My nose gets runny sometimes. I'm constantly coughing, most likely there's a lot of mucus and phlegm stuck in my throat... yeah, it's gross. I'm not sure if it's my sickness, but I've been sleepy at around 12 or 12:30 lately. Like my eyes get blood-shot. And I still feel sleepy after I wake up.

Anywho, I'm pretty sure I failed my first Stats midterm (which is worth 25% of my grade), so there's a high chance I'm gonna withdraw from that class. The professor has no tolerance in listening to people. Way to start off the month of March, huh? It's been cold and breeezy still... can't wait till the real Spring weather comes along!