Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Embarrassing Moment: Salad Incident

Twas a rainy day, so I decided to do a lazy workout on the bike today. I was craving a salad at Baruch's salad bar. I neatly made my salad with some lettuce, grilled chicken, cherry tomatoes, tofu, pasta, and broccoli. Total came out to be like $7 something. Ehhhhh... a bit pricey, but, boy did I miss the salad I haven't had since last semester. As I came out of the cafeteria, I bumped into some homies near the escalators and opened my salad to eat and share.

After some hi's and bye's, people began departing to go upstairs and I thought I should leave as well. But I wanted to take the local elevator that stopped on every floor since there was barely anyone there. The door opened. I ran for the elevator in my clickity-clackity flats. With one salad in my hand and the other hand holding my bag, I ran before the elevator door could close. But little did I know, there was a spot of water on the floor that caught the little heel of my flats, and BAM! I slipped and fell on my buttocks. D: Not only did I fall down, but my salad fell all over the floor. The guy at the elevator was looking out, trying to hold the elevator door for me, but I was just overly embarrassed and looked away. My poor buttcheeks. My poor $7 salad. The grilled chicken I didn't get to eat! Those plump cherry tomatoes... ALL ON THE FLOOR. I was SO SAD. I walked back with only a little bit of lettuce in my salad bowl and told Hannah and some friends my sad sad story. These heartless people laughed at my pitiful story. I looked back at the floor with the floor filled with my salad. People waiting for the elevator and getting off the elevator were looking at the colorful debris, wondering what in the world happened. I quickly told a staff that someone had pushed me and I spilled the salad on the floor so they could clean it up.